Fynn Knott of Port Moresby was fascinated by the Shark Jaw headdress on Luke Nunisa who travelled from Tufi to Alotau with a canoe & a dance troupe to participate in the Canoe & Kundu Festival in Alotau.

Milne Bay Magic can be experienced in 2 ways. There is one that is sunny and oh! so charming; and the other which smothers you with daily showers. 

Now....the Milne Bay people might brag to you about other "magical" things & beings that sail or fly by night but for me a week ago, I was either inundated by the sunny beauty or, the showers of blessings.

Milne Bay is steeped in rich ritual environment and strict protocols and that was the order of the 3-day Festival. The usual drizzle did not dampen the spirit of the Festival goers as seen by the  sails, canoes, paddles, young warriors and  admirers who made the Festival all the worthwhile.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the great pics and yes, could feel the spirit of the canoe festival. Wonder if someone has made a DVD of it.


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