First ever superannuation certificate training conducted in PNG

Over 20 employees in the superannuation industry have recently undergone a three- day specialised training course in superannuation - the first of its kind to be conducted in PNG for the superannuation industry workers.

The course titled ‘ASFA 100 Superannuation - Certificate IV in Financial Services (Superannuation) was conducted by a training expert from the Australian Superannuation industry, Peter Grace who has worked with the industry since 1985.

The course which is offered initially through a three day workshop, will be continued through an online assessment component in which the course participants will be awarded the Australian national qualification – Certificate IV in Financial Services Superannuation, after successfully completing the course. Among the subjects covered were:  The Control of Superannuation, Investments, Tax and Super, Income Streams and Lump Sum Payments.

During the opening of the three day training, Managing Director, Leon Buskens told participants from Comrade Trustee Services , Kina Investment Superannuation Services and Nambawan Super Ltd, that such specialised training was very important in aligning the key staff to the fast changing financial and social landscape in the country.

He said, “ a properly skilled workforce will result in improved performance at the workplace, adding value to work outputs, and creating leverage for competitive advantage within the industry, and given the impact of huge investments such as the LNG project, this type of training will equip our employees to pursue potential clients.”

He further stated that our business is sacrosanct, in that we are dealing with peoples’ lives and welfare.  It’s more critical in PNG as we do not have a welfare system. Behind our contributing members are families, hence we really impact on a greater number of people and their families.

The ASFA 100 Superannuation course is part of a series of other industry based training courses that will follow soon under the Nambawan Super Ltd’s continuous education and training development.

Course participants were indeed pleased with the introduction of such training in PNG.  “I have been in the industry for several years now, and I must admit that the initiative taken on by Nambawan Super to equip us with knowledge to improve our standards in the industry is quite an achievement”, said Chris Sariman of Comrade Trustee Services Ltd.

 “The course has been an eye opener and has helped broaden my understanding of the complexities that are involved in the industry, and has highlighted the need for us to improve on our services,” said Clifford Riroriro of Kina Investment and Superannuation Services.

“The training provided useful insights into the superannuation industry, and gave me a broader picture of the industry with a different view on what was being done on a larger scale, and also reflected the need to improve our communication with our members”, said Rossie Kambua of Nambawan Super Ltd.

ASFA 100 Superannuation course facilitator, Peter Grace who dedicated his time to conducting the training, said the course was worth teaching to some of the most willing students, and was happy to be in the country to conduct such training.



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