Illegal aliens caught out in Collingwood Bay

Extract from an email from Damien Ase (Executive Director of the Centre for Environmental Law and Community Rights Inc.)

Six persons of Asian origin went into Wanigela (Tufi) with undeclared machinery, vehicles and firearms and were arrested by Popondetta Police which later released them on the understanding that they would fly to Port Moresby to get their visa and necessary documents and return to Popondetta. To date these Asians have not returned and have gone into hiding.
CELCOR tried to take out contempt proceedings against these Asians. However  the lawyers of the other companies, operating on another portion of land not covered under the restraining orders, are claiming that these Asians were trying to operate on their portion of land. Hence they have filed another proceeding (O.S NO:  345/2010) to restrain the landowners, the Popondetta police and CELCOR, from disturbing and or dealing with these Asians and their machinery.
CELCOR has requested the Customs office and other relevant statutory bodies to enforce and manage the following issues:-
  • Undeclared machinery and vehicles entering the country without going through customs,
  • Vehicles brought in without authority and registration from MVIL,
  • Unlawful entry of Asian nationals without proper permits; and
  • Possession of unlicensed firearms.
CELCOR has also requested that appropriate line agencies intervene to charge and penalize fhe offenders for any breaches.

"We also want to inform you that we have received information that another barge will soon be mooring at the same location. The name of the barge is Cathy 15 and the registration number is CFS 2303. The Barge is currently on its way to Wanigela from Madang. The cargo includes bulldozers, vehicles, board and other machinery. The Papua New Guinea Forest Authority has also given the company a letter to cease operations as there are objections by landowners on the legality of the state leases granted for the project."

It has been confirmed that proper approvals have not been granted and the barge should not go into the area with the logging equipment.



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