2011 Budget - No Super Hospital for PNG

There will be no super hospital established outside Port Moresby and there is no budget allocated for it for 2011.

That was the blazing message from the Finance & Treasury Minister, Mr Peter O'Neill.
I attended the Budget Breakfast organised by the Badili Club and PWC (PriceWaterhouse Coopers) at the Crowne Plaza in Port Moresby yesterday and that was one flashing news that stood out for me.

The minister said the hospital would not go ahead. There is certainly a plan but there is no intention to build it. Instead, Mr O'Neill said money will be spent on much-needed renovations and improvements at the current hospitals such as ANGAU in Lae, Boram in Wewak and the Port Moresby General Hospital in the National Capital.

Hospital upgrading is one of the key priority areas that has been included in the infrastructure budget.



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