AFL PNG Night - A Success

  • Picture by Noel Pascoe
I was fortunate enough to attend the AFL PNG night of the year early this month. The function was held at the Grand Palace, RH Mart in Port Moresby with the aim of raising funds for the various objectives AFL PNG has to meet; including the AFL Academy located at the De La Salle College outside Port Moresby.Pictured are some of the Academy members enjoying the night.

The place was packed to the brim....30 tables of 10 were sold at K3000 each -  so in total 300 people attended. The program of the night included a half hour of laughs by an Australian comedian plus a talk by former Kangaroo player, Wayne Carey - known more for his notoriety.

I am reliably informed that there was a total of K150,000 raised from the dinner and an auction, minus K70,000 for costs which left a net profit of about K80,000.

Well Done organisers for a terrific night!!



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