Fuzzy Wuzzy Angels remembered 65 years on

The Australian government has honoured the assistance provided by the Fuzzy Wuzzy Angels to Australian soldiers who served in the Kokoda campaign during WW11.

Australian Minister for Veteran's Affairs and Defence Personnel Alan Griffin said Parliamentary Secretary for International Development Assistance Bob McMullan presented 6 commemorative medals to Fuzzy Wuzzy Angels and their relatives at a special ceremony last week.

The Fuzzy Wuzzy Angels played an invaluable role in assisting the Australians throughout the war in PNG during the tough fighting experienced over the 96-kilometre Kokoda track.  

The battle at Kokoda began in July 1942 and went on for 4 months. By the time the campaign ended 600 Australian solodiers were killed and thousands more were wounded. If not for the Fuzzy Wuzzy Angels hundreds more Australian soldiers would have died.

The 6 Angels who received the medallions last week were:-
  • David Basui, 81 years old from Madang
  • Taeva Harofere, 82 from Morobe
  • Chahibus Julali, 85 from East Sepik
  •  Lowai Meidu, 82 from East Sepik
  • Puka Wariba, 98 from Central
  • Frederick Soka, from Oro Province



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