Kokoda Women In Agriculture

What a lovely story about the Kokoda women organising themselves to market their home-grown vegetables and fruits to Port Moresby. Honestly - this city really needs them! With every weekend's trip to Foodworld and SVS supermarkets, I am convinced my province located just over the Owen Stanley Ranges can supply this city's needs all-year 'round.

Kokoda Women in Agriculture co-ordinator, Ms Pricilla Ogomeni says; "We have abundance in surplus of food and vegetables and our aim is to supply Port Moresby because we are 25-30 minutes flight away and believe our fruits and vegetables will be fresher  and cheaper than any other parts of the country."
The initial arrangement is small and with friends and individuals in Port Moresby before they venture out to institutions and business houses. 

Fruits and vegies such as taro, bananas, choko, pineapples, sugar-cane and kaukau will be sold alongside home-grown products unique to the cool climate of Kokoda.

To place your orders - please phone - Pricilla (71649706) or Flora (72399922).



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