Kokoda crash report stalled

Papua New Guinea's only air accident investigator had been close to finishing a report into a plane crash that killed 13 people, including 9 Australians, when his contract expired.

Sid O'Toole had been investigating the crash of the Airlines PNG Twin Otter plane which killed 7 Victorians, 2 Queenslanders, 3 Papua New Guineans (including 2 pilots) and a Japanese tourist enroute to the Kokoda Track on August 11 last year.

Mr O'Toole is concerned about the future of his investigation, after his contract with Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) was not renewed when it expired on July 11.
Mr O'Toole told AAP he had been close to completing his final report, and he did not want to speculate on why his contract was not renewed.

"I am the only investigator in the country and now this, so it shows how important air safety is to PNG;" he said.



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